Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kung fu Fighting: Tiger attack on elephant mahout

I liked this because it clearly depicts the suddenness and lethality of the attack. The tiger is agile and leaps to counter the height advantage and lands a blow even as it lands. Note the perfect timing of the jump, speed and power. Note that it leads with the paw and has its jaws open for the follow up bite as it were. Phew! One more case for agility, speed and accuracy over brute weight and muscles.

Forest officials opine that in the event of a conflict with a lone tusker, the feline carnivore will go for the elephant's forehead by instinct. In most cases it is the pressure point and as the paws dig in ,it brings the tusker down. It is a different story when they move in a herd.:)

As far as the mahout is concerned, all he could have done would have been to hold the long spear steady ,leveraging it on the elephant's body to pierce the tiger's neck and lower body as it came closer, but I guess that is easier said than done :)

Kalaripayyatu has a movement called the "ana thiruppu" with the sword and long sword which is patterned on the tusker that is in "must".

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