Articles on advertising,marketing, movies, music martial arts and issues that inspire me. You can contact me on
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Alexis Leon
His marriage was called of and he needed serious medical help. He however fought back and went back to work at TCS. He has also used his phenomenal memory and extraordinary faculties to write bestselling books in IT. Starting with Vikas Gupta's Pustak Mahal which published his bestseller "Information Control Systems""IBM Mainframe and Year 2000 solutions" was the next best seller by this engineer whose interests ranged from artificial intelligence to heart surgery. P.K. Madhavan from Chennai got him to write "Internet for everyone" It sold 100,000 copies and still sells 2500 a year!!Tata McGraw-Hill, India’s biggest
publisher of educational and professionalbooks, has published 15 ofLeon’s books; two of them have beentranslated into Mandarin-Chinese.And Artech House, USA, publishedhis A Guide to Software ConfigurationManagement.Incidentally this is an esoteric subject in which you get hardly 11 books on the subject and naturally the book by Alexis is an all time best seller.
The Internet—and Leon’s sixwebsites including his alexisleon.comand site forhis books) can be visited to know more about this fighter...
Stock Exchange : Some 'insights'
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs10.The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them.
The man bought thousands at Rs10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at Rs20.This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to Rs25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at Rs50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at Rs35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell it to him for Rs50."
The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys.
Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!! !
Welcome to the "Stock" Market!!!!!
Perspective on India by Scott Bayman
By Scott Bayman who was leading GE's India operations for over 14 years.
Fourteen Years on the Inside: A Perspective on
Now is
The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index ranks
Some argue that
Another example: every year
Globalization has been a key initiative for GE since 1992, when Jack Welch declared
But, I think globalization really does not describe what happened in GE and what is happening to company after company and country after country. I think interdependence is a better description. Globalization happened during colonization when a select group of countries and companies dominated other countries and trade tended to benefit only the colonizer. Today companies move beyond their borders for
‡{ Growth and Profitability
‡{ Access to markets,
‡{ Lower costs,
‡{ Higher quality,
‡{ Critical raw materials and components,
‡{ And, to diversify their workforces.
Governments more and more recognize the importance of interdependent markets. Consider all the free trade agreements signed or being discussed. There is not a successful economy today that got there by being an isolationist and practicing protectionism.
The trends are visible in
Hindalco and Sterlite bought iron ore mines abroad because they wanted secure access to raw materials. Tata Tea's acquisition of Tetley brought a leading brand and with it millions of customers and access to new, readymade markets. Tata's acquisition of Corus and Hindalco's takeover of Novalis immediately takes these companies to a size that would take 10 years or more to build organically.
Software services companies such as Wipro, TCS, Infosys and Patni established operations in the
As I mentioned, I have been in
Sure, each has its own priorities or its own spin, but the general direction and the commitment has not changed.
Many were surprised at the last elections. On the heels of solid growth, attempts at accelerating reforms and "India Shinning", all the pundits predicted a BJP route. The Congress led victory sent one clear message, in my mind, to all politicians. The electorate is not anti-reforms. It wants to be included. Reforms must touch and benefit those outside the metro cities, those who live in villages and those less fortunate.
Over the past four years, I have seen what I describe as four big events.
First, the telecom revolution. When I arrived, you never knew if you would have a dial tone when you picked up the receiver. If you had a dial tone, there was a question of whether the connection would be made to the number dialled. If connected, you never knew how long you would stay connected. Today, Indian telecom approaches world-class standards. Cell phones are common, even in villages where landlines still do not exist. Between 2000 and 2005,
My second big event is the creation of a new class of consumers driven by the emergence and growth of software, backroom processing, technology and financial services industries. Employees in these industries are highly educated and relatively younger than the workers in other industries. Ten years ago, this group likely would have lived in their parents' homes and been under-employed or unemployed. Today, this group earns a good wage and has a propensity to spend. And, with the opening up of the economy, now has a wide choice of products and services to buy. For example, when I arrived in
The third big event is that Indian industrialists have gained confidence that they can compete on the global stage. At a Confederation of Indian Industry seminar on Manufacturing Competitiveness in April 2002, Chaired by My good friend Jamshyd Godrej, I said, and I quote, "Let me start by saying that Manufacturing is not
Well, I was wrong. I was dead wrong. Indian industrialists no longer worry about multinational companies; they are or want to be MNCs. They no longer talk of level playing fields. They argue for open markets, free trade and view the globe as their marketplace. Indian companies now think globally. The total value of takeover deals by Indian companies, which was less than $1 Billion in 2000, rose to $8 billion in 2006. January 2007 saw two mega deals - Hindalco / Novelis and Tata Steel / Corus. There have been 72 foreign takeovers by Indian companies, worth $24.4bn in the first four months of this year, according to the advisory firm Grant Thornton. In the same period, there were 38 foreign deals for Indian companies, worth $17bn.
Indian companies possess the self-confidence to believe, to know, they will be successful in global markets. They are confident they will improve the performance of acquired companies. Whether it is Videocon or Suzlon, Tata Tea or Bharat Forge, companies are talking of becoming one of the world's big two or three in their business, if not number 1.
Global trends also favour
From fiscal 2001 to fiscal 2005, capital expenditures increased from 8.4 to 24.2 billion dollars. What is striking is that over this same time, government owned enterprises' share dropped from 33 to 25 percent; multinational companies' share decreased from 8 percent to 4 percent while local private sector share of capital expenditures increased from 59 percent to 71 percent.
The rise of manufacturing could have a profound effect for a vast number of
The fourth big event is Civil Aviation. On my first domestic flight in
think, what would have happened if the government had not allowed private air carriers.
Today, we are experiencing the benefits of open skies agreements with increased non-stop flights from more Indian cities to more cities around the world. Choice has brought competition and the consumer is benefiting.
Those of you who travel in
Here is something to think about.
‡{ The decline of Russian influence in
‡{ China, Japan, India and ASEAN providing the four pillars; Korea, Australia / NZ, and the rest of South Asia providing the four walls, creating a very powerful trading block
Obviously, this is a long-term scenario, but one companies and western governments must think about as they develop their global strategies.
Sometime back I was asked for a vision for
My vision includes an enhanced stature in the global community. Relationships with the
My vision requires bold actions by Government to stimulate the economy over time and to accelerate additional reforms. Ports, roads, airports and seaports are improved and expanded. The trend in telecom privatization and increased competition continues resulting in lower rates, improved service and universal availability across the country. Tax policy, Companies act, labour law and land use regulation are revised and modernized helping drive economic growth.
Power sector reform takes off and accelerates. The financial troubles of the State Electricity Boards are behind us, most likely through privatization and separation of generation, transmission and distribution. Both local and foreign developers and investors return and become willing to start new projects. Lack of reliable, affordable power ceases to be an issue for most of
My vision includes an economy that grows beyond the four to six percent experienced in the past few years to double this amount. Four to six precludes any real change in standard of living for many of
I hope to see real progress in privatization. Privatization doesn't necessarily mean government selling out but can be accomplished by divesting through the stock market to achieve broad ownership. Success in privatization results in government "getting out of the business of being in business" and into the business of being in government, where it can do more good for the country.
When my vision becomes reality, foreign investment in
Nine years ago at the US India Business Council, I made a talk about my perspectives of
Granted, not all is well and there are miles to travel. Pankaj Mishra described a number of challenges in a New York Times Article titled The Myth of the New India.
He points out that only a small minority of Indians will enjoy "Western standards of living and high consumption at least for the foreseeable future. The increasingly common, business-centric view of
Malnutrition affects half of all children in
Mr. Mishra further observes that to date,
During a question and answer session at an India Today Forum, I stood up to respond to similar examples of all that is wrong with India, to cries of "ain't it awful", to allegations that the government has failed the country and India has no chance. I made a point that Indians should stop beating themselves up so much. They should be proud or what has been accomplished. Indians should view the glass as half-full rather than half empty. I pointed to a number of examples such as:
India's GDP is accelerating: from 1.0 percent average annual growth between 1900 and 1950 to 3.5 between 1950 and 1980 to 6.0 between 1980 and 2002 to 8.0 between 2002 and 2006. Wealth must be created before it can be redistributed.
To date,
‡{ Hero Honda manufactures more motorcycles than anyone else in the world
‡{ Bharat Forge has the world's largest single-location forging facility; its clients include Honda,
‡{ The GAP sources about $600 million and Hilfiger $100 million worth of apparel from
‡{ Wal-Mart sources in excess of $1 billion worth of goods from
‡{ GE has grown from less than $100 million in local revenue to almost $3 billion with a target of $8 billion by 2010.
As manufacturing continues to expand to serve both domestic and global customers, it will create jobs.
I don't dispute the fact that the country must tackle huge social issues as pointed out in the Mishra article. I also don't dispute that more could have been done and more needs to be done. However, there is progress. The incidence of poverty has declined from 44% in the 1980s to 36% in the 1990s to 26% in 2000. Literacy rates improved from 44% in the 1980s to 52% in the 1990s to 65% in 2000. In addition, over this same period, life expectancy increased from 56 years to 60 to 69.
In my 14 years, I learned one big lesson.
‡{ It has 18 official languages; with 325 spoken languages and 1,652 dialects
‡{ There are 1.3 Billion people living in a land one-third the size of the
‡{ There are 5600 daily newspapers, 15,000 weeklies and 20,000 periodicals published in 21 languages with a combined circulation of 142 million. Moreover, as those of you who read some of them know, each has a very strong bias on every issue.
I argue the glass is half-full and filling; not half-empty and running out.
Vinod Natesan
Women on Men
The 'Why's of Men
(because they are plugged into a genius)
(they don't have enough time)
(they don't stop to ask directions)
(because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock)
(You're laughing, aren't you?!?!)
(so they won't hump women's legs at cocktails parties)
(you need a rough draft before you make a final copy)
(don't never happened)
( C'mon guys, we laugh at your blonde jokes!)
And the personal favourite:
(because a vibrator can't mow the lawn)
Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and laughter in your heart...Then you are just an old sour fart!
One for the ladies
One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat-shirt Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
He yelled back, " University of
And they say blondes are dumb...
Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.
yeah men
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Kingfisher Airlines

Mallya in India with his Kingfisher brand seems to resemble Richard Branson and the Virgin brand in Europe. Stylish, sexy and very bohemian/hedonist if not epicurean. The good times theme has been carried forward in a new lifestyle channel that he has invested in with NDTV called "NDTV Good Times". There is also a Hugh Hefner inspired Kingfisher Calendar featuring some risque visuals shot by Atul Kasbekar in an exotic location. Mallya has now got into the F1 circuit with an investment in spykar and schumacher is expected to be on his roster...
fast cars..faster women...even faster liquids...the king of good times parties on...
Mahindra Voyager- Advertising by McCann Erickson

Body:Introducing the Mahindra Voyager. A vehicle so roomy that it disguises itself in many rooms, a conference room, a living room or a cozy bedroom. There is enough space for headroom and legroom too. It can comfortably seat 8 and has a unique flexi-seating system to accomodate your family and your luggage. Its just the length of a 118NE or an Ambassdor. That makes it very convenient to pack. The short turning radius makes it very maneouvrable while the independent suspension makes for a very comfortable drive.It goes without saying that the powerful 2.5 litre diesel engine and the 5 speed gear box make it cost efficient. With the huge glass panes all around you can call it a room with a view.
Mahindra Voyager: Room with a view
The campaign featured similar shots of office travel "A conference room at Nariman Point, Mumbai"; for the long haul lall family trip-A forest bungalow at Corbett National Park; for the tourist trade -A hill resort at Ooty;.
The visuals were signature top view shots emphasizing the roominess. The photographer was Iqbal and processing done at Comart
MSeal advertising

right side)Leak Stopped
Body Copy: Can also seal leaks in pipelines, radiators, watertanks.
if you have found new and innovative ways of using MSeal, enter the "eureka" contest...
Note: MSeal was faced with stagnant growth rates when this was done. The idea was to promote new uses and widen use occasions as a means of increasing volumes. Category growth by widen the competitive frame of reference. There were no other alternatives given that geographic width had been achieved and there was nothing new in the product. The product was also a problem solver and there was no way of stimulating existing demand through ethical means!!
Alongwith the pissing boy there were also sculptures which were broken at Elephanta etc leading to a campaign. Clay modelling as a new use and product variant was also launched at this point in time with MSeal
Pictures of Nature, Movie Reviews, Woody Allen, Oscars

There is another side to the story, which is that our efforts may not yield the results in the direction and quantum that we expect it to. There is always 'destiny' to contend with
I saw this lovely movie by Woody Allen called "Matchpoint". It is about choices one makes in one's life and how things turn out. The key being the role of chance/ luck and how we are loathe to admit it because we then acknowledge that we actually have no control over outcomes and that kills our egos and sense of achievement. Yet serendipity, like the force that decides whether a tennis ball that hits the tennis net at the top should fall on which side of the court, does shape our lives as destiny!in
"Cooler" is another movie and it won Alec Baldwin an Oscar I think. A 'Cooler' is a person in a casino who is sent to a table where things are getting "hot" because the guests are winning heavily. The 'cooler ' brings bad luck allegedly and the person next to him then starts to loose!!! Heard of "boori nazar' in our culture but this one was a surprise and given that it is the hard nosed and razor sharp Las Veags casino owners who use such tactics I believe it must be tried and tested!!!
As the malayali saying goes "vidhikanusaranam buddhi" "as is your fate, so will you think"
Lemon Ad by DDB for Volkswagen

The Volkswagen missed the boat.
The chrome strip on the glove compartment is blemished and must be replaced. Chances are you wouldn't have noticed it; Inspector Kurt Kroner did.
There are 3,389 men of our
Final inspection is really something! VW inspectors run each car off the line onto the Funktionsprüfstand (car test stand), tote up 189 check points, gun ahead to the automatic brake stand and say "no" to one VW out of fifty.
This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars. (It also means a used VW depreciates less than any other car.)
We pluck the lemons; you get the plums.
Vinod: One of my all time favourites