This is an interesting article of how a housewife took on
the might of the Leftist parties in Kerala and give them a sound tongue
What she said was in typical, no holds barred, Trivandrum slang“
You Communist party people ( sic) came to all our houses and collected Rs 100/-
each. For what? To block the road we use? “
The Communist party leaders responded “It is for the people
that we are protesting”
The reply came” Which
people? What people?( sic).” “When 10 and 12 year old girls are harmed, you don’t
have time to protest” “what are you protesting against?”
The CPM party responded “Against the Chief Minister”
And the tirade continued “ Let him rule, we elected him for 5 years” “Why are you troubling us, why are you
blocking our road and right of passage, it is because of you people( sic) that the police have kept barricades”?
At this the Left party quickly shifted the focus and vent
their spleen on the policemen asking them to give right of way to the lady!!!
The news went viral in Trivandrum and by nightfall she was
declared a heroine. “Veer Vanitha” or “valorous one” became her nickname!
Kochouseph Chitilapally, the owner of V Guard brand of
electrical appliances gave her an award of Rs 5 lakhs for showing exemplary
courage and for voicing what nearly everyone wanted to say, but never had the
courage to do so.
The rather clue less Left Front party leaders responded in
the way that is now characteristic of them. They accused her of being a worker
of the Opposition!!! Not surprisingly some unknown people damaged agricultural property
at her house!!
And life goes on in God’s own country!!!