Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Charles Cadell on the Indian Advertising Industry

A very interesting, balanced and candid assessment of the Indian Advertising Industry. Charles Cadell was the CEO of Lowe Lintas for over three years and is credited with having put together a structure in place and some systems for a genuine performance appraisal. I have met the man and he struck me as a genuine person, a good human being and a thorough professional. Polite to a fault, he is firm where he has to be and is a good judge of people. Lot to learn from this gentleman and hope he does well at McCann too.

Related Link on the Deloitte Survey of Indian advertising salaries.CLICK HERE

Monday, December 20, 2010

Love, in the middle of Cancer. A tale of love and inspiration

The boy met the girl, fell in love, the villain appeared,caused havoc, the brave boy and the girl fought back the challenge and they lived happily ever after. Sounds cliched, but his format was what lay ahead for a young couple. Read this: